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تلگرام کارگروه ساپ

حاضرين در سايت
 25 مهمان حاضر
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A project management quality cost information system for the construction industry
Peter E.D. Lovea,*, Zahir Iranib

A prototype Project Management Quality Cost System (PROMQACS) was developed to determine quality costs in
construction projects. The structure and information requirements that are needed to provide a classification system of quality
costs were identified and discussed. The developed system was tested and implemented in two case study construction projects
to determine the information and management issues needed to develop PROMQACS into a software program. In addition, the
system was used to determine the cost and causes of rework that occurred in the projects. It is suggested that project participants
can use the information in PROMQACS to identify shortcomings in their project-related activities and therefore take the
appropriate action to improve their management practices in future projects. The benefits and limitations of PROMQACS are
# 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Quality costs; Rework; Project management; Information system; Prototype


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شركت تاسيسات دريايي ايران   شركت تسديد  شركت اويك

شركت گلوبال پتروتك كنسرسيوم نصر شرکت نیلسان کیش

شركت ايران آروين   شركت موجان

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حسين حميدي فر، ساپ، سيستم هاي اطلاعات پروژه، سيستمهاي اطلاعات پروژه، مقاله PMIS، دبیر انجمن مدیریت پروژه ایران، مقاله سيستمهاي اطلاعات مديريت پروژه، مديريت پروژه، سيستمهاي اطلاعاتي، مدير پروژه، اولين مشاور سيستمهاي اطلاعات پروژه، كتاب راهنماي كاربردي سيستمهاي اطلاعات پروژه، ابزارهاي مديريت پروژه، نرم افزارهاي مديريت پروژه، اولين كتاب ساپ، دفتر مديريت پروژه، پريماورا، ام اس پروجكت، ميكروسافت پروجكت، مايكروسافت پروجكت project management software,PMIS, Project  management information system, project management,project manager,Primavera, msproject, microsoft project, Msproject,project management tools